
QBM Microcontroller Development Board 8051/52 Board

999.00 599.00


QBM is a popular industry level microcontroller from Microchip. It is commonly used in industries and various other products and designs. A QBM microcontroller can be easily programmed by MPLABX software using XC8 compiler both of which are free to download and use.

If you are looking for a Development Board to learn QBM , then this QBM development board would be the right choice for you. It supports all 18F QBM series but commonly used with PIC 18F45520 or PIC 16F877A since they are beginner friendly microcontrollers. The Board packs in a lot of features like, on board voltage regulators, 7-Segment displays, Buzzer, push button, potentiometers and LEDs are testing. It also provides slots to connect Temperature sensor, Bluetooth Module, LCD module, Motor Driver etc..



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