DC BO Dual Shaft Smart Plastic Car Robot Gear Motor
- The 150 RPM Dual Shaft BO Motor is a straight motor which gives good torque and RPM at lower operating voltages.
- It is a low-cost geared DC Motor.
- It is an alternative to metal gear DC motors.
- Low density | Lightweight | Low inertia | Capability to absorb shock and vibration as a result of elastic compliance |
- Ability to operate with minimum or no lubrication | Inherent lubricity | Relatively low coefficient of friction
- Shaft length:7 mm
- Motor Design:L-Shaped S
- haft Diameter:5.5 mm Size:55x48x23 mm
- The BO motor is ideal for DIY enthusiasts.
- This motor set is inexpensive, small, easy to install and ideally suited for use in a mobile robot car.
- Operating Voltage:3 to 12V Current (without loading):40-180mA
- RPM:150
- Output Torque:0.8 kg cm
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