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₹599.00 ₹149.00
- Uses the popular MPU6050 IC
- MPU6050 contains a 3 axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope in a single package and simplifies design and usage. It also reduces cross axis alignment issues unlike other sensors with separate accelerometer and gyroscope ICs
- Digital I2C interface to read the output of the sensor
- Input Voltage: 2.3 – 3.4V
- Selectable Solder Jumpers on CLK, FSYNC and AD0
- Tri-Axis angular rate sensor (gyro) with a sensitivity up to 131 LSBs/dps and a full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000dps
- Tri-Axis accelerometer with a programmable full scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g
- Embedded algorithms for run-time bias and compass calibration. No user intervention required
- Digital-output temperature sensor
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